
Serranía de la Lindosa, Columbia
Are the Serranía de la Lindosa paintings 12,000 years old?
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Are the Serrania de la Lindosa Colombia paintings 12,000 years old? They could be but why are they so well preserved?
Venus of Willendorf
Venus of Willendorf is Italian
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The Venus of Willendorf, a 35,000 year old statue found in Austria has its roots in Italy
Paenl of the Four Horses
Panel of the Four Horses, Chauvet in VR
The panel of the Four Horses in Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave is now online in VR
Falcon Warrior in Devilstep Hollow Cave
Devilstep Hollow Cave
People we refer to as Mississippian used Devilstep Hollow cave as a ceremonial space. Explore the artwork and symbols sealed inside
pictograph handprint in El Castillo
Dating Rock Art, How Old Is It?
paintings in El Castillo in Spain are more than 40,000 years old, much older than previously suspected
What does it take to understand cave art?
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a glimpse into the mind of the paleolithic artist
New Age of the Cerne Abbas Giant Geoglyph
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An article in Sapiens lists the age for the Cerne Abbas Giant geoglyph in Dorset, England. The 180 foot long image is now thought to have been made between AD 700 and AD 1100 -the early medieval period. There are 30 or more chalk geoglyphs in Southern England, no word on their age.
Altamira Cave, Spain
Altamira Cave, Spain
Altamira cave is Spain is one of the most pristine examples of paleolithic cave art, but the pictographs discovery is rooted in controversy
Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, France
Chauvet Cave the discovery of 36,000-year-old art
almost 30 years ago explorers forced their way into Chauvet cave in France, what they found astounded the world.