Barrier Canyon Style pictographs in Sego Canyon, Utah photographed sometime in 1997.

The Sego Canyon Rock Art Site is also known as the Thompson Wash Rock Art District. It contains 3 distinct cultural styles of art, Ute, Fremont and Barrier Canyon. The main panel is dominated by impressive Barrier Canyon images/ Be sure to look for the Fremont and Ute images on the opposite side of the panel. There are other BCS images on the opposite side of the road. They are on private property. Please be respectful and view them from the road. Binoculars are very useful in viewing this site.

Sego Canyon is managed by the Bureau of Land Management, more information on the interpretive panel is available on the BLM site here.

Barrier Canyon Style rock art panel in Sego Canyon, Utah photographed in 2017.
Barrier Canyon Style pictographs painted on the sandstone wall at Sego Canyon in the Thompson Wash Rock Art District, Utah.
Ute petroglyphs at the Sego Canyon interpretive site in Thompson Wash.
Fremont petroglyphs recorded over older and very faint Barrier Canyon style pictographs at the Sego Canyon rock art site