
Paleolithic paintings in Cresswell Craigs, UK
||, Creswell Crags, Nottinghamshire is one of the most important Upper Paleolithic sites in the British Isles and has been the focus for archaeologists for over 170 years. In 2021, Research Fellow, Dr George Nash at the University of Liverpool explored the walls and ceilings of several caves within the Gorge, including Church Hole Cave and Robin Hood’s Cave. The results of this survey revealed several panels in Church Hole Cave that showed potential evidence of painted surfaces using a locally sourced red pigment. Read about his findings at the Bradshaw Foundation website (here).
Growing evidence of Neanderthal “Art”
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Claims that other species besides Homo Sapiens made art or used "symbolic behavior" have been met with skepticism. But evidence that Neanderthals did produce symbols keeps growing. In a paper published this week in the Journal PLOS One,
Stephen Alvarez works in an unnamed cave
Native American Cave Art Over 1000-Years-Old Revealed by 3D Scans
Giant Cave Art images discovered using 3D modeling. This expands our knowledge of the Woodland Culture world view.
A Southeastern Cave Entrance
Indigenous Cave Explorers of the Southeastern US
Indisputable evidence proves Indigenous Americans ventured as far as 3 miles into southeastern caves 5,000 years before the invention of electric light. Native Americans were excellent cave explorers.
Altamira Cave, Spain
Altamira Cave, Spain
Altamira cave is Spain is one of the most pristine examples of paleolithic cave art, but the pictographs discovery is rooted in controversy
Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, France
Chauvet Cave the discovery of 36,000-year-old art
almost 30 years ago explorers forced their way into Chauvet cave in France, what they found astounded the world.